Wednesday, February 01, 2006

God and the single guy

Hello all,

Yesterday, I mentioned how God has graced me in so many ways. Well, the greatest grace next to His death and resurrection for me has been my wonderful and patient wife.

Back in 2000, I was a happy single guy who loved God and tried to be as obedient as I could be to Him. On Christmas Eve at Midnight Mass, I made a simple prayer. "Thank You God for all that You've given me. I want to know Your love more. If it be Your will, I would like 2001 to be the year that I meet my future wife." At that point in time, I felt a rush of the Holy Spirit pour into me (I really do feel that a's VERY cool) and I knew that God's answer was "Yes." At that point, I got very excited. Who would she be? How would I meet her? But then I realized, just follow His will and He'll lead me right to her.

Since I was single and not dating anyone, I decided that I would treat God as my significant other that year. Really try to make time for Him. (Weird...sounds like something out of Brokeback Mountain except it's NOT). Anyhow, as the year progressed, I realized that I'd take God for granted or not do everything He wanted and thought to myself, "God, if I treated a woman the way I'm treating You, I'll never get married." That was an amazing grace as God was showing me faults that I would need to fix if I were to ever have a girlfriend (let alone wife).

Over the year, God kept on bringing really wonderful women in my life and my thoughts would be, "Is she the one?" And the little voice inside me said, "Follow His will and don't worry about who it will be!"

Of course, my friends all thought I was crazy. They were telling me, "You're setting yourself up for a big fall!" And my response was, "God made me a promise, I'm trusting Him!"

By around August and no girl in sight (alas, I met a lot of women but to no avail) I started to worry--not doubt--just worry. Maybe I wasn't following His will. I know the promise was real. At that time, an old girlfriend of mine and I started talking. She was telling me that she had met a guy and that she was hoping he'd be the one for her and although I still had feelings for her, I hoped that he'd be the one for her too because I wanted her to be happy.

So, I prayed in front of the Blessed Sacrament one hot night in August two prayers. I prayed to God that He leads her to her husband and I prayed that He lead me to my wife.

Oh little did I know.

At that point, my old girlfriend and I started rekindling our relationship. We started out as friends, talking every few days. Pretty soon, she realized that guy wasn't the one for her and we started getting closer and closer.

And on December 28 of 2001, we started dating again and God delivered His promise.

We got married on June 14, 2003 and my life has never been the same.

Thank you God for making me so happy and teaching me more about Your love. She's been a true blessing to me. May I always have faith in You alone, hope in your promise to me, and most of all, may I love You with all my heart, all my mind and all my strength.


Modern Day Magi said...

what a great story!
its great that you held onto the promise of God so well and didnt get discouraged even though it took until december 28 to come to fruition. my experience is that God's time table is WAY out of sync with us humans, either way befor we are ready or much later than we had hoped. His timing is always better though.
ill share now if thats ok,
my wife and i were highschool sweethearts (first started 'going out' when i was in grade 9) but i still had to chase her for ages before we even started getting into a relationship. (I was in the year below and just wasnt 'cool' enough) we dont really 'date' here in australia but the term 'going out' is used even though often there wasnt much 'going out' happening as we grew up in a country town. we got married at easter of 2002 and now have 2 wonderful kids a son turnign 2 in march and a daughter who is 3 months old.

TheDen said...

"God's time table is WAY out of sync with us humans"

Ain't that the truth. The quicker we learn that, the better. Thanks so much for sharing.

Daniel said...

As Proverbs 18:22 says,

"He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD."